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Faith is spelt R.I.S.K

Writer's picture: fruitsonthevinefruitsonthevine

Faith is spelled R.I.S.K. Without movement or action it's very hard to build faith because it requires us being obedient to what we've seen/heard/sensed with expectant hope (Hebrews 11:1) and follow in the things that Holy Spirit has spoken.

At the end of last year,  Holy Spirit had said that March would be significant for this year.

Yesterday, as I re-read my journal, I'd written that “God's giving me marching orders in March” about what is to come in the year. Now it's one thing to hear something that God speaks to your spirit, but following on in obedience from that word spoken sometimes is another level of surrender, "YES!", joyful obedience and expectant hope.

Matthew 4:4 says that out of God's words we live. That means that when He speaks, there is life in it and life is always moving!!

We walk in the footsteps of the apostles and many disciples who gave their lives for the way that they followed Jesus. We follow in the footsteps of Abraham and Sarah who journeyed out into new lands and trusted God without knowing where they were going. We follow behind the prophets who did crazy prophetic acts that brought breakthrough to their people because they followed God's voice. We follow behind Joshua who faithfully brought the people into their promised land. I keep being reminded of that same scripture God spoke to Joshua in chapter 3 verse 5, “Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do great wonders among you.”

God has not changed; He speaks and we get the privilege of joyfully following because His ways are higher and better, brighter and fuller than what we can imagine!! (Ephesians 3:20)

I too want to be counted as one of those in Hebrews 11 that moved to the sound of Holy Spirit's voice. Therefore, as He speaks and I sense change in my spirit, I say “YES” again and surrender to partnering my FAITH & HOPE with His voice as we R.I.S.K. together in new ways and new spaces. It's the safest place to be - His leadership over our lives is always in LOVE.

Life Application:

1.What is God asking you to say “YES” to in this season? Maybe it is something you laid down before and now He is asking you to pick it up again. Or maybe He is asking you to lay something down so He can do something new in your life.

2. What areas of your life do you need more faith and expectant hope to take God at His word? Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh. He is always faithful to complete what He starts.

3.Read Hebrews 11. Stir your faith and imagination with the mighty exploits of faith God wants to do in your world! Make declarations of faith statements over your life and circumstances.

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