I recently walked on the beach and passed a fisherman with a fishing pole. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “We’re not fishing like that anymore; we’re fishing with NETS.” For the past year, I have regularly heard a children’s song in my spirit: “I will make you fishers of men if you follow me.” I am reminded of Revelation 14, which says that the time of reaping the harvest has come, and the harvest of the earth is ripe! Matthew 9:38 talks about us being “sent out”; it uses the greek word EKBALLO, meaning “cast out.” Let’s be ready for His word to be “cast out” into the harvest because it is ready! People want a friend like Jesus, they need a friend like Jesus, and they need a leader and King like Jesus.
As we enter these new spaces and connections with others that God has already prepared for us, let’s remember we are fully clothed with all we need!! The grave, dull clothes from past seasons are gone, and now we have bright-colourful, perfectly fitted clothes, designed specifically for us and the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do. We are perfectly equipped for what God has for us as we are “EKBALLO-ed” into spaces of influence that He has prepared and for the people we will meet.
God, give us eyes to see the people You have already prepared for us to connect with in this season. We thank You that we are in a time of history where we get to increasingly introduce people to You. We thank you that you’ve already prepared their hearts to know you. Thank you that everyone wants a friend and a King like you, Jesus. Give us eyes to see what You are doing in this season.